Money Management Services
KES Operates Money Management Service In the Fitzroy Crossing Valley
KES - Money management services provide practical and essential support to assist local people build longer-term capability to manage their money better and increase financial resilience. This service is delivered in the Fitzroy Crossing township and surrounding remote communities. The services are voluntary, confidential, free, and open to the broader community. Clients who present with complex financial issues, will be referred to specialist financial counsellors and/or Emergency Relief services, as well as to other support services.
The money management service focuses on :
Deliver education and intensive coaching in financial literacy and budgeting;
Provide use of tools to implement individual and family budgeting and savings, and debt management plans including on-going budget monitoring;
Organise related family support and referrals;
Assist with accessing financial institutions and financial services information;
Deliver education and information sessions relating to Money Management services that meet local community need;
Deliver approved money management courses to improve participants understanding of how to manage their money, plan for the future and find out what services are available to them.
Money Management Programs
Make better and informed decisions about managing their money including managing money from payday to payday to ensure essential living expenses are covered (e.g. food, rent, clothing, education, regular bills) and share household expenses fairly;
Plan and set goals for items such as whitegoods, furniture, cars, boats and leisure goods and to put something aside for their children and the future;
Better use financial services to manage their household funds and access technology such as ATMs and phone and internet banking;
Be aware of their rights as consumers, know how to avoid exploitation when using their money and how to get better deals when making purchases;
Improve capacity to assist other people financially, or resist inappropriate requests for financial assistance;
Have an understanding of the requirements attached to home ownership;
Better deal with financial hardship and money stresses.
KES delivers education and information services that have been developed over time and are subsequently tailored to meet local needs.
Wherever possible KES employs local Indigenous workers to increase uptake of knowledge, effective communication exchanges, increase engagement whilst proactively delivering services.
For Further Information on Money Management Services delivered by Kimberley Employment Services in the Fitzroy Crossing Valley Region please contact the number below.
Money Management Fitzroy Crossing Valley
Tel: 08 91915450
Fax: 08 91915453